Project - RVETS |
Rural Veterinary Experience Teaching And Services
RVETS (Rural Veterinary Experience Teaching And Service)
See how the funds helped the community farrier project.
RVETS (Rural Veterinary Experience Teaching And Service) is a group of veterinarians that works with veterinary students as well as local community members to host free/low-cost clinics in rural communities. These clinics also serve as educational events that
train future veterinarians and veterinary personnel in the practice of field medicine. Because of the often underappreciated needs of equines on Indian Reservations in the USA, RVETS has concentrated its services on these communities. RVETS addresses the severe lack of quality veterinary care in poor rural communities, while providing both hands-on educational opportunities for veterinary students and inspiring a new generation of animal care professionals by showing them the importance of helping animals
and the communities that depend on them just because it is the right thing to do.
RVETS has been providing care RVETS has been providing care to the equids of the Standing Rock Reservation
community over the past decade, to the equids of the Standing Rock Reservation community, which spans the North & South Dakota borders.
This grant will support the project that will help bring farriers and routine hoof care to the horses, ponies, donkeys, and
mules of Standing Rock. This initiative will have a number of lasting impacts including the development of lasting relationships between the Standing Rock community and farriers in the surrounding area. Furthermore, the farriers will educate owners about the
benefits and importance of routine hoof care. Funding for this project will go towards paying farrier wages as well as covering transportation and clinic supply costs. It will also be possible to provide educational opportunities in equine hoof care for community members and veterinary students.